The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America


Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a highly fatal tumor arising from the pleural lining of the thoracic cavities. Its presence is indicative of past exposure to asbestos: without such exposure, it is very uncommon. Since the establishment of a clear association between the inhalation of asbestos and mesothelioma in the late 1960's, several occupational groups have been identified as being at risk, including miners, millers, insulators, railway workers, shipyard workers, asbestos factory workers, and brake mechanics (Selikoff and Le, 1978; Nicholson et al 1982). Case reports of mesothelioma associated with exposure to asbestos in less common occupational settings are useful both for clinicians as well as epidemiologists (Young et al., 1981; Ribak et al., 1988).

The two cases reported here are provided from a mesothelioma registry in Greece.

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Asbestos Legislation Update
Research Interest in Asbestos-Related Cancer Intensifies
Nine Questions and Answers on Chrysotile and Health
Abstracts Found in Various Medical Journals Concerning Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Asbestos and Cancer - The First Thirty Years
Asbestos and Cancer - The International Lag
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Asbestos Concentration On Marine Vessels
Asbestos in Strange Places: Two Case Reports of Mesothelioma Among Merchant Seamen
Asbestos in the Workplace and the Community
Asbestos-Related Disease in Plumbers and Pipefitters Employed in Building Construction
Malignant Mesothelioma of the pleura: current surgical pathology
Call for an International Ban on Asbestos
Chrysotile Asbestos is the Main Cause of Pleural Mesothelioma
Environmental asbestos exposure and malignant pleural mesothelioma

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